This was my calendar page for the month of February. The month filled with ice, snow, cold—and grey skies. I reached... but nothing changed. And so I turned the calendar page to March—and left "reaching for the sunshine" behind. Over the weekend, East Tennessee was blessed with beautiful sun-filled days. Although stuck inside working on taxes, I felt my spirits lift as a neighbor cranked up his chain saw to trim trees. It sounded like Springtime! But this morning I woke to rain—and a week-long forecast for more—and I had to remind myself of the weekend's blessing. While out running errands, I didn't even notice the tiny reprieve in the rain until something ... Keep Reading...
Weekend Wondering… A conversation with myself
Writer's block. I rarely have it. In fact, I usually have so many topics I want to write about that I have trouble deciding where to begin. THAT's when I get blocked! But lately... Oh, I still have a ridiculously long list of topics to tackle, but lately I've had trouble getting motivated. My four-year blog anniversary quietly came and went (last Summer!), and I barely gave it a second thought. I certainly could write about my incredible journey in Blogland—because it has been incredible! I've met new friends... and discovered new things about myself. I've played in the dishes, restored vintage linens, created inspiration boards, written several series, and shared hope and second chances through ... Keep Reading...
Digging into the Blogger’s Tool Box
When I first started blogging almost 5 years ago, I barely knew how to crop a picture (much less take a decent one). I certainly had no idea how pixel size translated into what I'd see on my computer screen... or how to "make pics talk" by adding text to them. I also had no clue what a URL was. NOTE: If you aren't a blogger—or aren't the least bit curious about the "behind the scenes" of blogging—then feel free to take a pass on this post. Otherwise, let's press on together... Before we take that first step, though, I should mention that I do my blogging on a Mac, but most (all?) of the software I'll be mentioning is compatible with Windows as well. Fortunately, by personality—and usually by necessity—I'm a ... Keep Reading...