I left you here three evenings ago with a story of chaos and danger . . . and a request for prayer for our children and staff in Vitoria, Brazil. A prayer that they would be kept safe through the night—and the days and nights to follow.
Thank you to everyone who prayed for them!
Thank you for your emails and texts and comments.
I heard late yesterday that the police and government officials had reached an agreement. And today I am thankful to report that we’ve received an “all clear” from our staff. In fact, a group visiting our southern campus is being cleared to also visit Vitoria later this week. At last count, there were over 130 documented murders, but the death toll is sure increase as order is restored and more reports come in.
Please continue to pray
- that order will be restored quickly
- that terrified children (and adults) will process the experience in a healthy way
- that good will overcome evil
You’ve probably heard the saying,
If you don’t like the weather, just wait.
That’s certainly been the case around here!

Ice crystals on the windshield

Rain and more rain. But don’t you just LOVE that early Valentine?
And this afternoon . . .

Rock irises
It’s still too early for Spring, but nobody told these beauties!
Last year, my Renaissance Man planted a whole hillside of bulbs out at the farm—thousands of them—so they’d start naturalizing and be ready for us to enjoy *someday* . . . whenever our old house in town sold and we moved to the country to build our farmhouse. He was showing me his love intentionally, extravagantly, and unconditionally. Isn’t he a sweetheart?
Well, if you visit here often, you already know we said “goodbye” to our old house, started an adventure at the farm, and our house plans are now underway.
And today we enjoyed a walk in 70-degree weather and counted the emerging bulbs.
Yes, I know there’s still plenty of Winter ahead.
But this week I’m going to enjoy those little pops of purple on the hillside and remember the days my husband spent planting them. I’m going to look for ways to be light in this broken world we all call “home”.
I’m going to pick a countertop. 🙂
And I’m going to take five minutes to write a life-transforming Valentine to a young girl. I hope you’ll do the same!

Click the picture to read all about the Valentine Project — and how you can make a difference! (Don’t worry… if it’s a busy week, you have until APRIL 1 to send your Valentine!)