Creative Caring

The complete 31 Days of Creative Caring series ... 31-Day preview: Blue Umbrella and a Pie Day 1: Doing the Awkward (Keep scrolling down to read the post) Day 2: When Creativity Disappears Day 3: Caring on a Shoestring Day 4: Being Neighborly Day 5: Send-off Surprise Day 6: Sharing the Excess Day 7: Keeping 'Em Guessing Day 8: Seasonal Considerations Day 9: Society on the Move Day 10: College Students Day 11: Teacher Treats Day 12: Smoked Chicken Day 13: Single Mothers Day 14: Memory Book Day 15: The Usual ... with a Twist Day 16: Hospital Care Day 17: Yard Work Angels Day 18: Take a Meal Day 19: Mani/Pedi Day 20: The Gift Registry Day 21: Care Packages Day 22: Foster Families Day 23: Community Helpers Day ... Keep Reading...

LEAVING A LEGACY: How to Care for Vintage Linens & Lace

We've made it to the final topic in the series ... Leaving a legacy.  If you missed any of the previous topics (washing, drying, ironing, stain removal, storage, and mending), just click on the How to: Vintage Linens tab at the top of this blog to read them. leg·a·cy  noun 1. Money or property bequeathed to another by will 2. Something handed down from an ancestor or a predecessor or from the past  When it comes to linens, there are many different kinds of legacies. Some families have trunks full ... Source   ... while others have only a few special pieces. Some families pass along their legacy at special occasions such as weddings or the birth of a new baby ... Others pass it on ... Keep Reading...

MENDING: How to Care for Vintage Linens & Lace

As we continue our series on caring for vintage linens and lace, it's time to cover the topic of mending...   In the very first post of this series -- the one about washing -- I told you to set aside any of your linens that needed mending since repairs should always be made prior to washing.  If you missed that post or any of the others on drying, ironing, stain removal, or storage, just click the Vintage Linens tab at the top of this blog to access them.   I wish I could tell you that if you master one type of mending, it will suffice for every necessary repair ... but I can't.  As you can see from these very few examples, vintage linens showcase a wide variety of needlework techniques, often incorporating several in ... Keep Reading...