If you love old houses AND proudly salute the stars and stripes, then you're going to love today's field trip! We're headed to Franklin, Tennessee (just south of Nashville) to check out the historic homes of Hincheyville—Franklin's first subdivision. Perhaps another day we'll take a different walking tour. There are some great ones to choose from! Placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1982, the Hincheyville neighborhood is comprised mostly of single-family homes built between 1828 and 1935. A wide variety of building styles are represented featuring frame construction as well as brick and stone... and lots of amazing architectural details! Ready to step back ... Keep Reading...
With liberty and justice for all…
She asked if I was available to take her. I was. Source Then she asked if I'd go in with her. Of course. Source It was 9:00 on Tuesday morning, and every inch of every seat in the entire courtroom was filled with a body. The judge said there were 29 pages of cases on the docket. I had no idea. Source My young friend had been subpoenaed to tell her side of a story. She didn't want to be there. She'd done nothing wrong and wasn't accused of anything, but the experience was emotionally charged, and she was physically exhausted. She'd worked the night shift and hadn't slept yet. She wanted time with her husband and children before going back to work again. But there ... Keep Reading...
Field Trip Friday #2: Shopping ’til we drop—without dropping cash
Welcome all! I'm glad you're joining me today for another Friday field trip. This week's destination is a bit out of the ordinary, but it's one of my favorites! We're going shopping for inspiration... ... and we're headed to places like Hobby Lobby, Michael's, Dollar Tree, Home Goods, Pier One, Pottery Barn—anywhere there is color! We won't spend a penny. First stop is the gift bags aisle with the scrapbook paper section not far behind. Like a color combo? Snap a picture! Next are the pillows and fancy gift boxes. And then... the office supplies section. Having fun yet? Confused ... Keep Reading...
The Daddy Deficit
There wasn’t one in my family. My childhood was blessed with a present father and two grandfathers—all invested in my well being. Yes, I know that’s often not the case. Today is Father’s Day, and perhaps your story reads nothing like mine. Perhaps your father died before you were born abused you murdered your mother Perhaps he was a "do as I say, not as I do" dictator faithful breadwinner but an absent father Perhaps his gifts to you were scars—visible or invisible—and unanswered questions Perhaps then the idea of a Heavenly Father doesn't bring to mind the same sense of loving embrace and protection and stability for you as it does for me. It ... Keep Reading...
Field Trip Fridays
Field Trip Friday #1: Great Smoky Mountains National Park In less than 48 hours, Summer 2015 will officially begin. I suspect some of you got a nice jump on it as soon as the kids (and grandkids) got out of school! I hope it is a wonderful season for you and yours. Be sure to fill it to the brim with everything that says "Summer" for you. By the way, I hope you'll leave a comment and tell me what those things are. I'd love to know! Growing up, one of my favorite things about Summer was that it allowed time for the occasional day trip. From picnics to berry picking (still not my favorite) to the zoo or museum, that desire for a little field trip has never left me... so I thought it would be fun to take you along ... Keep Reading...
Flower delivery
Renaissance Man sent me flowers. While walking downtown to his office, he noticed something he knew I'd enjoy... and so (on a busy street with cars passing by) he pulled out his phone, stooped down, and took a picture. Then he sent it to me via text message! In these days of instant technology, there are a lot of ways to practice creative caring! Why not do something for someone TODAY— "just because"? Have you ever been on the receiving end of techno-caring? Leave a comment and tell us! Coming Friday: New Summertime series Sign up to get new posts delivered via email so you don't miss it! I'm joining Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound. Join me? ... Keep Reading...
The Vessel: To leak or not to leak
Pitchers They're large and small. Short and tall. They're utilitarian and versatile. Some even show off their sexy curves. I love them in all colors, but my heart skips a little beat in honor of the white and ivory ones—especially ironstone and creamware. In an area that once was part of our old house's back porch, I tucked a corner shelf (that once belonged to my grandparents)... and on it are displayed a few of my "colorless" prettties. This one is my favorite—even though it holds a secret. I realized the first time I filled it with water that a secret was the only thing it would hold. All around the outside of the pitcher, right at the ... Keep Reading...
Decisions, decisions… and indecision
JUNE It's a new week—and a new month! What lies ahead? Are you facing a big decision? Is it something private... or is everyone around you waiting and watching to see what you decide? Whatever you may be facing today, I hope you can come to peace with a choice soon. Too much indecision can rob you of joy! If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. (James 1:5) I know sometimes decisions feel so FINAL—and so we fret over making them. But don't forget: Sometimes... they really aren't. What's the last big decision you had to make? MY last big decision was ... Keep Reading...
Creative use of vintage linens
This is the most unusual use of vintage linens I've ever seen. Can you say the same? The exhibit by Rebecca Ruegger is currently in the Nashville airport. When I stumbled upon it, I knew I had to take you on a little field trip. You don't mind overlooking the shadows and glass glare for a peek, do you? Apparently Rebecca Ruegger learned Life Lesson from Linens #12. She obviously saw potential in these tiny scraps of old vintage beauty when others would have called it quits! What's the most creative way you've seen vintage linens used? Leave a comment and tell us! ... Keep Reading...
25 YEARS AND COUNTING: Celebrating commitment, family, and marriage
May 26, 1990 In a beautiful old house on the Baylor University campus in Waco, Texas, I married my Renaissance Man. I've had old house love for a really long time! A few months prior, he gave a beautiful diamond ring to me—and sweet little birthstone rings to my daughters—and invited us to join our lives with his. He promised to love, protect, and stand alongside us to the best of his ability... forever. For 25 years—through life's beautiful highs ... and some very difficult lows—he's never wavered from that commitment. Now that we're in the empty nester stage of life, a Table for Two seems like a nice way to ... Keep Reading...
Lessons to learn from The First Time
What is it about "firsts" that make them so special? The first kiss. A baby's first smile. The first job – and paycheck. Your first house. We love "firsts"... probably because we actually notice them. They hold an awe-inspiring quality for us, and everything is beautifully new. We haven't yet let ourselves become inattentive—or unappreciative—of their presence. Today is Pentecost Sunday. Until recently, I'd never spent much time thinking about Pentecost as a holiday holy day, although it certainly is. As the story is told in Acts 2, it was on the day of Pentecost that the followers of Jesus first received the gift of the Holy Spirit. The apostle Peter preached his first sermon, calling for repentance and ... Keep Reading...
Presidential Interior Design: Yea or Nay?
Hello all! On this weekend ablaze with red, white, and blue, I thought you might enjoy an infographic on the subject of Presidential Interior Design. Like me, I'm sure many of you enjoy reading about the history of the White House and its storied treasures—and getting a behind-the-scenes peek into some of the personalities who have called it "home." I have a deep respect for the office of the President of the United States, although, sadly, I haven't always been able to say the same about the men who've held the office. Even so, a $100,000+ renovation budget for every new President? Am I the only one who thinks that's a bit exorbitant? What do you think is a reasonable amount? However you ... Keep Reading...
Finding urgency in the dirt
There were children playing in the dirt at the apartments on Tallent Street tonight. That's how his email began. If you're a regular here, you know I love children, and so you probably assume my first thought was of my own two grandsons and their dirt playing. I sure do love that! But it wasn't. You see, I'd been on Tallent Street, too, although somehow I missed seeing the children playing in the dirt. I did, however, see the diaper-clad toddler with her head full of blonde ringlets. I saw the parent (or was she a grandparent?) trying to keep up with said toddler and another young child. I saw a man planting tomatoes in a small container—and hoping his potted hydrangeas weren't too ... Keep Reading...
Celebrate Motherhood with a Baby Sprinkle (aka Shower Lite)
When I received the invitation, I suspected guests would be in for a treat... We were! The food-laden table was a treat for both taste buds and eyes! But the biggest treat was sitting in a room of about 20 women—most of whom I'd just met—and praying for my precious young neighbor as she awaited the birth of her third child. Women... A few single; most married. Some mothers (and grandmothers!); others not. A beautiful mix of "ages and stages" ... praying for our friend. I trust she's enjoying reading the notes we all wrote to her offering love and encouragement and "been there" wisdom. Mine was a variation of a previous Mother's Day post... MOTHERHOOD: The Mother ... Keep Reading...
Weekend Wondering… What song’s in your head?
My goodness how I've missed being here! Four whole weeks have passed—all packed with lots of crazy-busy goodness I hope to share with you soon. Only today did I put away my Easter bunnies. How's that for keepin' it real? But just because the bunnies are back in their hiding places, doesn't mean Easter is over. In fact, in my world Easter is never over! Easter is a year-round celebration of love and sacrifice and resurrection. Still... I've been surprised by the song that has stayed in my head for the past 2-3 weeks. Weeks! That's never happened before. I've been waking up to one phrase of one song every day—and hearing it in my head during quiet moments—and letting it lull me to ... Keep Reading...
The Way of the Cross
Weeks ago I was touched by a prayer, its words penned and lifted by my friend, Reverend Andrew Whaley, pastor of First Presbyterian Church here in Jefferson City, Tennessee. He's younger than my children... and wise beyond his years. I've been waiting until today—the beginning of Holy Week—to share its beauty with you. May you be blessed, encouraged, and challenged by its truths even as I continue to be. The way of the cross looks treacherous, its shadow foreboding, its call fraught with danger. And yet, precious Jesus, we have the audacity to hang it here in your house of worship so that we cannot divert our gaze away. In a world that tells us to pump up our ego, this ... Keep Reading...