Weekend Wondering… What song’s in your head?

My goodness how I’ve missed being here! Four whole weeks have passed—all packed with lots of crazy-busy goodness I hope to share with you soon.


Only today did I put away my Easter bunnies.  How’s that for keepin’ it real?


But just because the bunnies are back in their hiding places, doesn’t mean Easter is over. In fact, in my world Easter is never over!


Easter is a year-round celebration of love and sacrifice and resurrection.


Still… I’ve been surprised by the song that has stayed in my head for the past 2-3 weeks. Weeks! That’s never happened before.


I’ve been waking up to one phrase of one song every day—and hearing it in my head during quiet moments—and letting it lull me to sleep at night.


I know my Redeemer lives.


It’s personal: My Redeemer. My firsthand knowledge.


It’s certain: I know from experience—and relationship.


It’s full of hope: Life, not death. Redeemed, freed from the consequences of sin and bad choices.


How can I be so sure? Simple.

As Nicole C Mullen says in My Redeemer Lives, “I spoke with Him this morning!”


I hope you have the same assurance. I hope you have a living, breathing relationship with the Redeemer. There’s nothing better in this life!  By the way, if you don’t, you can. It’s not too late!


I have blotted out your transgressions like a cloud and your sins like mist; return to me, for I have redeemed you.

Isaiah 44:22



  1. We must have kindred hearts.♥ I keep singing He Arose. He Arose. Hallelujah, Christ Arose. It keeps me smiling.

  2. Susan, this is one of my very favorite songs. Nicole has a fantastic voice, and the way she sings this song gives me chills. xxx ~ Nancy