Life Lesson #25: Be versatile
At one time or another, it’s happened to all of us: We’ve faced an unexpected change in our life direction. At those times, it always helps to be versatile. Sometimes it’s easier than others…
Vintage linens have taught me a lot about being versatile.
I once owned this lightweight Summer coverlet, but it never got used–until I decided it was the perfection tablecloth for a ladies luncheon.
And this vintage coverlet became a shower curtain at the hands of its owner. Thinking outside the box…

See the entire “Transferware Heaven” house HERE.
In our master bedroom, there’s a single tall window. This linen tablecloth in my collection was exactly the look I wanted. Seeing it every day is a treat! So much better than having it hanging in the linen cabinet, don’t you think?

DIY hint: Baste a ribbon to one end of the tablecloth to form a rod pocket, then insert a simple curtain rod.
It’s easy in the future to remove a few stitches. No damage to the cloth at all!
With vintage linens, it’s always a good idea to think about “multi-use”…and “re-use”. The blue pillow is an example of multi-use. The pretty scalloped linen tacked onto the front was part of an outdated antimacassar set. A gorgeous set, to be sure, but not something I’d use. Or so I thought… Thanks, Mom!

Read the Tray of Tranquility HERE.
This curtain in our guest bathroom is one of a pair–and an example of re-use. Once part of a gorgeous flat sheet, it had already seen better days by the time I found it in an auction box. Fortunately, the crocheted cabbage rose border was in perfect condition, and there was exactly enough fabric to make the curtains. Exactly.
With the cabbage roses in the wallpaper, it was the perfect find…and the perfect price!
Are you versatile? Flexible? Spontaneous? In Life–or linens?
No change in life direction right now…but you’re in a rut? Try something new!
This is part of a 31-day series. If you missed any Life Lessons, they’re all listed HERE.