Decisions, decisions… and indecision



It’s a new week—and a new month!  What lies ahead?


Are you facing a big decision?


Is it something private… or is everyone around you waiting and watching to see what you decide?



Can’t wait to see which color this neighbor chooses! (My guess is black.)


Whatever you may be facing today, I hope you can come to peace with a choice soon.


Too much indecision can rob you of joy!


If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. (James 1:5)


I know sometimes decisions feel so FINAL—and so we fret over making them. But don’t forget:  Sometimes… they really aren’t.


What’s the last big decision you had to make?


MY last big decision was whether or not to change dance partners with vintage linen cleaners—and then whether or not to continue selling a product myself or to downsize that part of my life, too.


I prayed. I agonized. I thought of you, my customers. I agonized some more. And then I asked myself the question: What’s the worst thing that could happen? Honestly… “the worst” wasn’t so bad.


My new favorite linen cleaner is easily accessible to every one of  you, and I no longer have to store product or worry about juggling shipping with traveling. Shelley Stewart (owner of Mama’s Miracle) is a real person—just like me!—who will happily ship product to you in a timely fashion.


And we’re both available to answer your linen cleaning questions, so please keep them coming!


At this stage of my journey, it’s the right decision. Thanks for understanding.


MMLS dance

Click the pic to read more about my decision.



  1. We laugh in my family about my youngest daughter’s inability to make quick decisions (she’s 20). But I do relate. Sometimes it’s difficult to make even mundane decisions, and more so if we’re tired or stressed about anything else. My most recent decision is to get my hair cut today by someone totally different. I can’t tell much difference so I guess it was inconsequential after all. 🙂

  2. Thank you so much for the warm welcome back. I was so surprised to see a comment so soon. I completely agree with you about making decisions. I used to struggle with it so much but as I get older, it has gotten easier. I have realized most of them aren’t as important as I thought they were. I hope you are well and thank you!