For the 19th day in a row, you've received a post from me. That's a lot of posts—with more to come daily through the end of the month. Thank you for sticking with me! Thank you for supporting me as I stretch my impromptu writing skills. Thank you for helping me organize my thoughts. Thank you, too, for discreetly hitting "delete" if you don't have time to read a post one day. When I see "one less subscriber" notifications in my inbox, the doubts kick in. :-( Did you know it takes a little bravery to be a blogger—or sometimes a lot? START I love blogging. For over seven years it’s been part of my life. Some days it scares me silly. Some days ... Keep Reading...
SHARE: Free Write Day 18
START The concept of sharing is one that’s long intrigued me. If you watch children play, some are quick to share their toys while others pitch a fit royale if someone wants to play with the same one as they. Is that an innate trait — willingness to share — or is it only taught? And adults . . . Have you ever noticed that some are quick to give to others, loaning temporarily or an outright gift . . . while others hold tight to whatever they have? The fit-throwing of childhood is no more, but the “holding on” characteristic remains. I love to be around people who share — not because I want something from them, but because I love the kind of people they are. They ... Keep Reading...
GROW: Free Write Day 17
START What do you want to be when you grow up? It’s a commonly-asked question. Children have the best answers, don’t they? What did YOU want to be when you grew up? The older I get, the more I realize I never really reach a point when growth ends. Grow up? Of course there’s a time when we become “grown ups”, but even then growth doesn’t end. As long as life keeps us moving forward, we keep growing . . . but the health of the “plant” depends greatly on our choices. What am I still learning today—at age 57? Listen. Be kind. Be honest with myself. Admit my mistakes, my faults, to myself—and others, when necessary. Give others the ... Keep Reading...