Reindeer Winter

I'm playing this week!  Little Man came for an unexpected visit -- without Mommy and Daddy! -- and we're having far too much fun doing 2-year-old things to even think about tablescaping.  Well, obviously that's not true because I'm going to share a tablescape with you ... but it's one I did last winter that never got posted.  Lucky me! I'm not coming to the party this week empty-handed.   I am, however, just dropping by to be sociable (and because I'd really miss our time together), and then I'm off to see what else we can get into before we have to take the little guy home tomorrow.   I hope you ... Keep Reading...

YOU JUST NEVER KNOW … Secrets of an Old House

Welcome to My Place to Yours!   I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration with family and friends ... and I'm honored that you stopped by for a visit here at the beginning of the Christmas season. If you've visited here before, you know how much I love old houses.   One of the things I find most fascinating about them is that you just never know.  You never know when the weight of the second story is going to become unbearable.  You never know when the old heat/air unit will decide to quit.  You never know when an elderly man will ring your doorbell then hold out an old skeleton key and ask if you think it might fit any of the doors in your 100-year-old house ... and you've heard that the original owners have a ... Keep Reading...

Happy Thanksgiving – 2011

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Most of us are busy this week ... cooking, traveling, relaxing for a change ... so this post will be very short.  I put together a quick Traditional Thanksgiving inspiration board for you.  My inspiration was the vintage Carnation Milk ad that hangs year-round in our mud room.  I've had it for years, and I still LOVE that procession of little feet! Click on pic to enlarge. The pictures down the side came from last year's tablescapes ... (Top and Middle) Watching the Leaves Turn (Bottom) Happy Thanksgiving - 2010 * * * * * I also want to share with you a "thanks giving" note I received a couple of weeks ago from one of the staff members of Hope Unlimited for Children in ... Keep Reading...