STORIES IN WOOD {Back story of Word of the Year graphic + a renovation update}

If you analyze graphics like I tend to, you probably wondered why I chose a cut log to go with INSECURITY (my word of the year). I doubt most of you even noticed, but just so you know . . .  there’s always a connection in the graphics.     Most people know that the age of a tree can be determined by the number of rings in its cross section. But not everyone knows the wood also tells the story of the tree’s life.   Good weather? Drought? Insect infestation? Forest fire? Crowded conditions? The story is obvious (if you know how to read it). All of the good years, uncertain times, and stressful periods are visible. If we looked from afar, we’d likely see "just" a growing tree—but, as with any living thing, ... Keep Reading...

Not a fan of INSECURITY—but it’s my 2021 Word of the Year

Time has taught me to pay attention when words, thoughts, emails, conversations begin to take on the appearance of a theme. If you've been around here long, you know I'm a big fan of themes!   But the theme taking shape in my mind lately isn't a fun one. In fact, I'd rather ignore it—but I know better.   In my experience, when a theme begins to overlay my everyday, I know I need to pay attention. God tends to speak to me in themes. In other words, he meets me right where I am and speaks through things I can understand. Guess what? He'll do the same for you!   So I'm paying attention . . . Committing to a "word of the year" will keep me focused—and accountable.     I told you it's not a fun ... Keep Reading...

YEAR-ROUND CHRISTMAS: Long-awaited Advent Wreath Chandelier

For years I've wanted to share this post with you. Literally . . . years.   When we bought our first old house to restore in 2005, we discovered a huge brass Advent wreath left behind amidst (a few) treasures and (a lot of) trash. I loved it, but it was far too large to be used for its intended purpose in a typical home.   Through observation and research, I learned the special piece was made in Israel in the late 1960s by the Terra Sancta Guild, likely for a church or chapel. It was intended to be suspended and would have hung from an ornate chain.   Over the years, I contacted a few churches in our community in attempts to donate it, but I always met with a dead end. The congregations already had their own ... Keep Reading...