Little Blossoms on the First Day of Spring

Hurray! Spring has officially arrived!

Here’s a little nudge to get myself started down the right path as this new season lies ahead. You’re welcome to join me!


Only a Little Blossom

by Charlotte A. Perry


It was only a little blossom,

Just the faintest blush of bloom,

But it brought a glimpse of sunshine

To a dismal, darkened room.

It was only a glad “Good Morning,”

As he passed along the way,

But it spread the morning’s glory

Over the livelong day.


spring blooms


New life, new beginnings, new opportunities!


What does the arrival of Spring mean to you?



  1. Spring brings spirit lifting sunshine, new birth in nature, color returning to the landscape. First reds then Bradford pears, cherry blossoms, white and red dogwoods. Glorious!

  2. Rebirth.

  3. I am looking forward to experience the first spring in our new home. So many new surprises. are unfolding via birds and flowers.
    Loved your images. Thank you for all the lovely inspiration. Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Spring – gratitude to God for this glorious earth He has blessed us with. Daffodils, tulips, plum, peach and cherry trees blooming….Blossoms, green shoots popping us out of the ground, leaves coming out on trees and shrubs. Wonderful, glorious spring!