SAVE THE DATE — and help me out?

The 31-day blog series:  You either love it . . . or you don’t.


Me? It depends on the year! I’ve done a few—sporadically—but, once committed, I’ve always enjoyed the process. They’re virtually timeless, so enjoy!






2013 (Technically, this wasn’t part of the October challenge, but it was a 31-day series!)


2017 – Inspiration & Faith Free Writes


In case you’re not familiar with it, Write 31 Days was a writing challenge for bloggers that took place every October (all 31 days!) for a decade. Officially, the challenged ended last year. But unofficially, there are some of us who still enjoy the challenge and plan to give it a go again this year.


So what theme am I working on for next month?



Have you ever contacted a blogger? You know . . . Have you ever clicked on that Contact Me button and asked a question—or shared a concern—with a blogger? I get letters (ok, technically, they’re emails) from readers or Google searchers all the time. Most are asking about vintage linens, but not always.


The confabs are fun! I always enjoy making those human connections. Sometimes we bloggers wonder if you’re really out there! 😉



  1. an informal private conversation or discussion
  1. engage in informal private conversation


I enjoy those conversations so much, in fact, that I’m creating a new word to describe them:




And I’m going to share some of those confabulous conversations with you during the 31 days of October because I suspect many of the questions I receive are similar to the ones some of you never ask. I think we can learn from each other!



I’m already compiling some of my previous confabs, but I’d love to hear from you, too! If you have a question, concern, comment or suggestion that you’d like to ask, the Contact Me button is at the top right corner of this blog. Click it and start the you-choose-the-topic confab! By the way, if yours is a vintage linen question, it’s always helpful to see pics. (Close-up/flash off works best)


Don’t delay! Please send your questions soon so I can answer them now—and perhaps share with your fellow readers in October.


So tell me . . .

  • If you’re a blogger, have you done a 31-day series? Did you enjoy it?
  • If you’re a blog reader, do you enjoy the occasional 31-day series? If not, there’s always the delete button. Is there a theme you’d like me to consider doing in the future?

What’s on your mind as we begin the countdown to Fall?


  1. Nancy Potter says

    Questions. Are you the blogger who wrote an amazing note about your father in law when he passed away. Or did you write about your mother’s birthday party of friends and doughnuts. I think I remember but it was a while ago but the note about your husbands father was so tender.