Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that 9 months after selling the big, beautiful historic house we renovated in town we’d still be waiting to start building our Finally Farmhouse.
It’s true. September begins month #10.
Never could I have foreseen the health, work, and home-building challenges we have dealt with this so far this year. But even in the midst of all the “stuff”, we’re trusting it’s for the best in the end.
OK, I’ll admit to a few days of frustration and wanting to “get on with it”, but only a few. Mostly, Renaissance Man and I look at each other as we sit side-by-side in our little fifth wheel, and wonder what amazing things God is doing behind the scenes. It’s surprised us both how well we’ve handled the unknown—and the waiting.
With my Renaissance Man’s current visual challenges, we put everything back on the table and began talking about the perfect place to live.
So many questions:
- Is our sloped property the best choice?
- Is farm work even a good idea for him? The doctors say it’s fine. √
- The job doesn’t restrict where we live. We could live anywhere. So… where?
- If we stay in beautiful East Tennessee, do we stay in our present county—or not?
- Do we scrap our plans for a farmhouse in the country and move back in to town? As long as Renaissance Man has room for a workshop, we’d be okay. Which town?
You get the picture.
So I began a search of properties for sale in our and adjacent counties—praying all the while for clarity.
It’s a buyer’s market around here, but the perfect house—preferably farmhouse—continues to hide. BUT my prayer for clarity is being answered because in every case, there’s been a very clear “no”.
I’ve looked at one-story farmhouses . . .
Two-story farmhouses . . .
I’ve looked at fancy farmhouses . . .
and fixer-uppers . . .
And when there was a very clear problem with every one of them, I even looked at one in-progress that someone had to give up on. There’s even an unfinished little barn!
Location, location, location.
That one wasn’t an option either.
And so I laid aside a bit more of the dream and “went to town” looking for another historic home.
Every one of these houses (and more!) had amazing potential, but none were right.
And so we wait.
I will continue looking online at real estate sites, Craigslist, and FSBO. When something looks promising, I’ll go to Google Maps and look at the aerial view—and street view, if it’s available. You can tell a lot about location without even doing a drive-by!
Eventually we’ll have an answer to “what next?” — but not today.
Today we’ll continue our adventure. And I’ll continue taking you along for the ride.
But someday we’ll meet here and I’ll have news! I hope you’ll sign up to get new posts in your inbox—so you don’t miss it!
What’s your dream house look like? Are you living in it?
Mine has outbuildings! They’re my pièce de ré·sis·tance on a farm!

This farm (in a neighboring county) has history and was featured in two books about East Tennessee. The outbuilding was an early post office.
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have a great (short!) week.
Susan!! move further up into east Tennessee, near me!! Jonesborough has a lot of farmhouses! would love to have you for a neighbor!!!
Cindy, there IS one in your neck of the woods that I’ve had my eyes on, but I haven’t yet felt at peace about leaving Jefferson County. But don’t think I’m not looking up your way! It would be fun to meet in person. 🙂
Would love that!!!
Now I feel guilty for not liking the 7 months we lived in our icky rent house while our home was being built. You are patient and faithful! Not sure that I was so much.
You said your husband has visual challenges….what did you mean by that? Did you mean real vision problems or difficulty envisioning something? Just wondering because my hubby is legally blind and it does have challenges.
Yes, real vision challenges—but hopefully not permanent. I would never have guessed that about your husband. You guys are into so much!
I waited many years to find the perfect house. Found one very close but as I prayed it seemed very close to a wrong decision. Finally I decided to make mine work. Prayed some more and in that prayer I asked for a designer a painter carpenter dry wall and managed it all. Everying went as smooth as silk which made me know I had done the right thing. I had always thought I needed columns. Two years ago I fell ill to a crazy illness and it may last another year. All the work is done. My husband and I are comfortable and friends who stop by are very complimentary So still no columns no butlers pantry and no huge island with marble and all the rest you can imagine So I am very thankful I waited. All went well and I can bask in The Lords glory for me and my home.
Nancy, isn’t it amazing to learn trust? I’m glad you listened when you prayed and decided to wait. It sounds like you were blessed with some wonderful home improvements to enjoy during some difficult days of poor health. I’m sorry you’re still dealing with that. I’m praying for you tonight.