When I first saw the almost century-old house, there was a significant sag in its porch roof.
We bought the house—and began a renovation.

Beginning the porch repairs
The house was built with two support columns on each side of the front door. But when we found the ol’ gal, between those two columns, the porch roof sagged.
It didn’t have to be that way.
Underneath the porch, each side had three brick support columns. You see, the house was properly designed to stand straight and tall, but at some point in the building process, someone decided to leave off the two upper support columns. The visible ones that would have supported the roof.
I suspect that “someone” was simply living in the moment, wanting a more unobstructed view from inside the house, and so they made their choice—without considering eventual consequences.
If only they’d thought long-term . . .
So began my thoughts this morning when I saw the word prompt for this week’s Five Minute Friday.
Families were sources of support and strength when they ate meals around the same table, attended church, and prayed together—until they didn’t . . . and the divorce rate climbed. And the next generation—and the ones after that—suffer.
Children were loved and protected—until they weren’t—and the Department of Children’s Services was formed . . . then became overwhelmed . . . and the next generations still suffer.
Neighbors supported each other in hard times—until the government provided welfare options—and a program begun for good reasons turned into a “system” that hinders and hurts.
What choices am I making today that will have lasting consequences?
What support columns am I failing to put in place—or letting rot?

After repairs—with three support columns on each side
Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock. But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn’t obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand. When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash.
Matthew 7:24-27 (NLT)
If you have “old house love” like I do, you might like these previous posts:
I like the idea that you discuss the interior design of our hearts. Cool! Your analogy will stay with me as well as your picture of the renovated house. Great job!
Loved the pictures and description of the house. I am biased, having a PhD in structural engineering!
And I completely agree with you on societal supports…there’s a fascinating book by lawrence Wright, “The Looming Tower”, that describes the rise of al-Qaeda and the road to 9/11. After WW2, an Egyptian named Sayyid Qutb came to the US to study, and was appalled at the breakdown of moral standards (exemplified by the 1948 Kinsey report, which he read). On returning to his homeland he began writing and organizing, and became the de facto leader and clear inspiration for modern Islamic fundamentalism.
The title, by the way, isn’t a direct reference to the WTC towers. It’s from the Qu’ran: “Death will find you, even in the looming tower” and is a warning against a dissipated life. I guess Wright found the image too chilling not to use.
This is a great illustration, Susan. It is important to think long-term and make sure we have the right support pillars in place for when we need them.
I like the metaphor!!
What a perfect theme for me today! As I write this I’m awaiting delivery of the new columns for my front porch—ordered just in time. Everything seemed fine, and then one day I noticed that thick paint was hiding the fact that the bottoms of the old columns are deteriorating from the elements. Before too long, the roof would have sagged. You’ve given me a good reminder not to let my personal relationships suffer from neglect … I never know when I’ll need them to hold me up.
Shelley, I’m so glad you discovered the problem with your porch columns in time to correct it! Your house will surely thank you. 🙂 But yes, sometimes we all get lax and neglect our personal relationships. That’s a much greater risk even than a potentially sagging front porch…
I hope you’re doing well. Have a wonderful weekend! (Send me before/after pics of your front porch if you think about it! I always love to share how we in Bogland interact with each other!)
Interesting observations and good lessons, Susan. So glad you saw what others didn’t in the house and that you could save it with the proper support. So many lessons there. Good analogy!
What a beautiful old house! And what a valuable lesson you share with us. It’s so easy to just go with the flow and not think about the consequences :/.