I pulled out my iPad, linked up to the iPhone Hotspot, and typed in her address.
I was ready to see this …
Instead, I saw this … Whaaaaaat?
Since Kelley and I had previously emailed from time to time, I had her address — so I contacted her to see if Blogger had done something crazy … like kidnap her blog! I’ve heard of that happening to bloggers, but it didn’t happen to Kelley.
Nope. The disappearance of Kelley Highway was by choice. Kelley had become “blogged down” and concerned about how much time blogging drained from her day. Her response? Just like she’d already done with Facebook and Twitter, she immediately deleted her blog. Nearly four years … hundreds of posts … and thousands of pics. To quote Kelley: “In less than 30 minutes, I was free… It was fun while it lasted, but honestly, I do not miss it.” Kelley said she still reads blogs on occasion, but she’s having a great time finishing projects … and studying more … and simply enjoying her days.
I managed to find a few of Kelley’s pics lurking online — very few. If you followed Kelley Highway, I bet they’ll bring back pleasant memories. I miss Kelley’s projects, but mostly I miss her really good heart!
Kelley, thank you for sharing yourself with us for so long … but thank you for obediently following your conviction to leave Blogland. I still miss you, though!

Kelley shared some other news: Her daughter was wearing an engagement ring and planning an August 15 wedding. That’s only two days away. Knowing Kelley, I’m guessing the Mother of the Bride is one joyful woman and enjoying the “wedding planning journey” for all it’s worth!
Best wishes, Dana and Justin, as you begin your life together. May God’s richest blessings be yours!
Have you ever had a Blogland friend disappear? Did you try to contact them? If you’re a blogger, have you ever considered “going away?”
Me? Unless otherwise convicted someday, I plan to stay right here … sending inspiration, encouragement, and challenge … from My Place to Yours.
If you’d like, feel free to add your well-wishes in the comments. I’ll be sure Kelley sees them.
Awww. What a sweet sentiment. I’m all choked up…
Yes, my dear blogosphere friend… Thursday, August 15 my firstborn will say “I will” to her beloved Justin, and I will have the other son for whom I’ve prayed all of his life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for you heartfelt wishes. Words cannot express how so very sweet I find your blog-words today.
May you reap all that you sew, er sow. =)
Much love to you and your readers,
Thank you, Kelley. It’s sure nice seeing your name here!
Kelley is my good blogging friend too. Such a jewel. I am happy to hear of her daughters wedding. Since they park their camper in Tucson I have the hopes that one day she’ll call and say she’s coming to Phoenix. 🙂
Laura, that would be great. I hope it happens! 🙂
I have several who disappeared, and I’ve reached out to a couple but they did not respond. Most do remove their blogs. I get disenchanted now and again, but right now, I cannot see myself leaving. I blog on my own terms, I am not in it (nor was I ever in it) for money, fame, etc. I am still shocked and delighted with every new follower, every sweet comment. xo
I decided early on to ‘guard my heart’ where blogging was concerned. It is rare for me to post more than once a week, and that works really well for me. I’ve watched a few go, and I miss them. I adore the rapport that has been possible with a number of bloggers, and I so appreciate each time that they communicate with me. Cherry Kay
I just typed a big old comment about Kelley and all things considered, but I had come here from my email, and it disappeared. (Note to self: Don’t visit via email.)
Anyway, I could have/should have told you that she had left blogging because I, too, emailed her about it. I kept her blog on my sideboard for months, hoping she would return. Then, I realized that since she had deleted her blog instead of just going “underground”, she wouldn’t return that way anyway. I loved her blog and found her to be such a wise, wise, woman. I still miss her.
I have others that have stopped blogging, too many of my old favorites in fact. I’m a relationship kind of person and feel a great sense of loss when a favorite blogger stops blogging.
Hope this posts better than the last attempt.
Yes I have missed some that started the journey with me in blog land…and I too have checked on them. I don’t plan on leaving, but I do feel there are times of silence, which is where I am right now…just too much to process in my life. Maybe after returning from our son’s wedding I will enter back in…maybe after I adjust to my son going off to school and no longer home schooling…maybe when I have words for this season of life. Until that happens I will come and go and visit…and enjoy those who still remain, while missing those who have moved on.