I don’t know about you, but I know a lot of people who just need a big ol’ bear hug about now. Here we are—92 days into 2020—and most everything we “thought” we knew about the year ahead (back on January 1) is off the table.
Am I right?
Instead, we’re in the middle of a global pandemic, and every day seems to bring new recommendations, challenges, and stresses. Since social distancing doesn’t allow giving those much-needed bear hugs in person, we’re just going to have to get creative about our caring.
How about this?
I declare today—April 1, 2020—VIRTUAL BEAR HUG DAY
But feel free to observe it every day until this COVID-19 crisis is behind us!

Please share this graphic on social media to encourage others to pass out some “bear hugs”, too! Use #virtualbearhugday in your post.
To get you started, I’ve created some graphics you can share with some of the “essential” people who are still working on our behalf during these unprecedented days. (I’m sure I’ve missed some, so feel free to leave a comment and request others!) You have my permission to copy and print (or copy and email) as many as you like. I like sharing in these virtual bear hugs, too!

Postal workers

Delivery services

Health care providers and public health workers

Hospitals and clinics

Pharmacists, physicians, etc.

Delivery services, grocery pick-up services, etc.

Clergy, funeral home staff, etc.

Emergency services

Public transportation workers

Bank tellers, accountants, insurance facilities, etc.

News anchors, newspaper writers and editors, radio show hosts, etc.

Utility workers

Elected officials

Grocery stores, hardware stores, hotels, etc.
I’m sure it goes without saying, but don’t be offended if you don’t get a response! These people are BUSY right now! But . . . I guarantee you your virtual bear hug will be appreciated. In fact, it just may help someone take a deep breath and keep going when all they really want to do is quit.
Who are you going to start with—right now while email and social media are only a keystroke away?
I started with our mail carrier yesterday when I finally found a box of these. I think they’ll come in handy for her, don’t you?
I hope you’ve found encouragement—and challenge—here today! Know that I continue to hold each of you close in my prayers. I don’t know what your reality is during these stressful times, but I’m asking God to meet you wherever you are and walk the path with you.
Hi Susan! I’m on it! Great idea, not sure who I’m sending to yet but I think it’s a great idea and I’m going to enjoy doing this! My first hug is to you 🤗 I am so encouraged/inspired by your blog posts…..so love to you😘
Cindy, thanks for the virtual bear hug! I’m glad you’re on board, because I am convinced the people we will “touch” are needing the support and encouragement right now.
I sent an email to our police chief this morning—and he responded: “Thank you so much. This, like all things, will soon pass. God’s plan isn’t always real clear to begin with but I’m certain we’ll understand in time.” I’m always grateful for his leadership, but especially during these days.