Weekend Wondering…

Have you ever noticed that during the Thanksgiving and Christmas season people talk about how we should be generous year-round… not just during the holidays? Yeah, I’ve noticed that, too.


So why is it that when we’re given a super easy way to BE that mid-year generous person (and even get something in return), most people can’t seem to be bothered?




I really appreciate it when a corporate entity like Balsam Hill wants to be generous. They’ve offered 10 blogs an opportunity to raise money for whatever charity they desire, and Balsam Hill will match funds raised up to $1,000 per blog. That’s $10,000 the company is willing to give away.


My Blogland friends, Heather and Vanessa, jumped at the chance to use their blog, At The Picket Fence, to do some “off-season” fundraising, and they chose Hope Unlimited for Children as their recipient.


In light of the Christmastime talk that goes on, it shouldn’t be hard to raise the $1,000 – and get the “free” $1,000 match from Balsam Hill… but the first 11 days of their fundraising is a huge disappointment. Only $160 raised.


Let’s help the picket fencers pick up the pace during these last 8 days of the fundraiser!


Just click on the picture to read about the opportunity – and the FREE ORNAMENT perks for you. (If you just want to donate without getting a perk, you can do that, too!)


It takes very little effort – or time – but makes a lifetime of difference for a child! Surely we can do that…


Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandi

Have a wonderful weekend!


I’m joining Spiritual Sundays.



  1. I had no idea that Balsam Hill was doing this. How wonderful!

  2. That is awesome!!!