Why Today is better than Someday

Life Lesson #30: Don’t trade Today for Someday


Apparently it’s human nature. Vintage linen collectors know it’s a fact. We’ve seen it many times.


Far too many times.


Unfinished projects…

unfinished projects

…or finished ones–unused.

vintage pillowcases

New pretties… untouched and unloved. Never removed from their package.


Original tags still on them… Waiting for–what, exactly?

Madeira tag

unused linens

Someone to want them? To use them, perhaps?

vintage sheet set

Someone to rescue them from their original boxes–storage stains and all?

Bates bedspread

I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve looked through the estate of someone now gone from this world who left behind box after unopened box of beautiful treasures. Sometimes the boxes even have a date on them, and occasionally the name of the person who gave the gift. I’ve even seen the date the thank you note was written (back when people still did that on a regular basis!) …


But “the good linens” were put away for Someday.


Someday never came.


During this series, I’ve shown you a couple of linens I, too, put away for “someday”–but I’ve vowed to do something with them…or let them go to someone who will.


What are we waiting on?

Starting today, let’s use the good linens–pull out the good dishes–stop our “busy” and focus on people around us; family, friends, neighbors.


If we’re not careful, it will be too late…


 Have you been waiting for Someday? Why?


Read more about leaving a legacy in linens HERE.


31 Days 2013-001This is part of a 31-day series. If you missed previous Life Lessons, they’re all available HERE.

 I hope you’ve enjoyed this series. Tomorrow’s the final day…


  1. Such good advice, Susan! I’ll have to make sure I don’t have something tucked away in the closet that I’ve forgotten about, waiting for “someday.”

  2. ABSOLUTELY! What are we waiting for? I’ve never been to an estate sale, but I’ve sure seen images like this in thrift stores and at garage sales. *sigh* Puts a lump in my throat.

    “Someday” never comes! Exactly the reason I gave to my children some beautiful things of mine that they’ve always loved, so I can SEE them using them now, not fought over after I’m “gone.”

    I divided the Currier and Ives dishes that were Grandmother’s and added more pieces so they each could serve twelve at Christmastime and New Year’s like I always did when they were little. To use for MAKING MEMORIES, not sit in a box somewhere. I tell them, “If I’ve given you something that you wanted, use it,” and they do. “If I’ve given you something else that you’re not going to use, give it to someone who will!” AND THEY DO!

    Appropriate words today, Susan. Great advice.

    Happy week,

  3. I’ve found that doing weekly tablescaping for my blog has “allowed” me to open up packages and to search for that perfect linen or candleholder that I have stored away in my stash. If no one sees my stuff, why do I have it? Hopefully it won’t end up in the dumpster or at auction, but will be gifted to a new generation of family and friends who will cherish the memories.

  4. My rule is, if we have it, we use it. If we don’t use it, give it to some one who will.

    The Husband asked me a month ago, “where are our cheap wine glasses?” My response? ” they are gone. Drink out of the Waterford!”

  5. Mary Deckert says

    When I was in my 20’s, I worked with an older lady who taught me this lesson. Her house had burned to the ground, and in it, all the beautiful things she had been saving for “some day.” I’m in my 50’s now and still remember her wise advice.