Inspire. Encourage. Challenge. Interior design of the Soul.
It’s the tagline I chose for this blog—for myself, and for you.
But last Friday, when I saw “challenge” as the word prompt for Five Minute Friday, I just couldn’t bring myself to write.
The week had been too challenging. So has this one.
So last night when I went to bed, I wondered what word prompt today would bring. I hoped this morning there would be a word I could write about; a word that fits my reality.
Weary — scream — heavy — resigned — noise — anxious — turmoil — struggle — quit
I could work with any one of those.
Instead, I saw
They’re all first world problems—and first world people.
In the big picture they don’t even matter, and yet the two dozen things crowding my mind weigh heavy and keep my spirit from being still.
The computer is slow. People won’t return emails or follow through on things I’m trying to help them with. (Help THEM with!) Honesty isn’t a given and compassion is forgotten. The printer stopped working.
It’s time to sell the farm. The trailer hasn’t sold. People want answers to questions to which they should already know the answers . . . and ants are in the silverware drawer—again.
Everywhere I turn, things are unsettled.
Some days, success is realizing that the noise and distractions are taking over, and the best thing to do is go back to bed. To lie there and pray and count my blessings. To thank God for a spouse whose love and support and encouragement overshadow all shadows.
To obey when God says, “Be still.”
I love meeting you here. (Thank you!) But while I focus on quieting my spirit, I need this place to be a balm, not another obligation. And so, I’m changing my plans for a 31-day October blog series.
Look how easy!


Instead of a post every single day for 31 days, I’ll spread your letters out over the month as I’m able—and into the future—so please don’t stop sending your comments and questions. I love hearing from you!
Here’s some encouragement for you:
Do something this weekend that feeds your spirit rather than drains it. Breathe deep. Keep walking forward. Be honest with yourself. Say “no” when you need to.
Enjoy this first weekend of Fall—wherever you are! I’ll see you on October 1.
This post is linked to Five Minute Friday.
I have a prayer that I heard in a Bible study some years ago. The study was on anxiety. The prayer went something like this: “Father, I didn’t ask for this pain, I don’t want this pain, and I hate this pain, but Abba, if I’m going to have this pain, I pray that You will take my pain and use it for Your good.” It knocked me to my knees, pun intended. It has permanently changed my attitude toward pain. Thought you might like it a lot. Prayers for your days going forward. CherryKay
Yes! This is exactly the prayer I’ve been praying. Only God (literally!) knows how so many messy situations can be brought together into a beautiful tapestry, but that is the Hope in which we live. In my heart I want to shine so brightly that darkness is diminished, but I’m so weary from holding the torch that I just want to put it down and quit. Thank you for lifting me in prayer, Cherry Kay. It truly means so much that you care! Know that I am praying a prayer of gratitude for you right now. I hope you have a blessed weekend.
I’ll soon be late, perhaps lamented,
and my words will cease to flow;
unless this fate be circumvented?
“No,” God says, “it’s time to go.”
I will leave no pile of cash,
no monument to the insufferable me,
but I have endured the lash,
and have gained the victory.
Cancer tried to break my soul,
and crush the heart that beat within.
Though it took a fearsome toll,
the malignant one, he did not win.
I stand astride my world, a Titan
who met his boast to go down fightin’.
Andrew, victory is definitely yours—in this life, with your brutally transparent honesty, and in the next. Thank you for not hoarding the truths you’re discovering during your journey but sharing so all of us can wrestle with them ourselves. Prayers for you and Barb this morning.