Five Minute Friday: RUSH

It’s time for Five Minute Friday where every week there’s a new word prompt encouraging five minutes of unedited writing. Today’s prompt is




It’s a never-ending battle, this learning to not rush through the days.

They’re full – FULL – of so many good things, but they’re sometimes distracting. Sometimes not full of the best things, and rushing makes it easy to overlook that fact.


If there’s one thing I’m learning during these (so far!) 21 months of living in a fifth wheel and trying to get a house built is that rushing doesn’t make things move any faster; it just complicates them.


I’m learning to listen to that Voice that says,


Be still, and I know that I am God.


My faith tries to remind me that the circumstances I don’t understand aren’t for my worries.


All in God’s time . . .


So, even in the middle of the crazies of projects and responsibilities and Life, I’m trying to cultivate a spirit of slowing down, trusting, not rushing. When I start to let my normal anxious reaction to things kick in, I’m noticing it more quickly and switching gears — calling upon my mind to pay attention, to slow down. Removing myself from the situation and taking a walk. Remembering that the schedule I’m on is unseen.


God’s got this.

Lord, help my unbelief . . .




Today begins a long Labor Day weekend here in the U.S.  Many consider it “the last vacation” before a busy school year and holiday season. Wherever you are, I hope you take the time to enjoy it. Don’t rush!


I’m curious . . .  Do you have the tendency to rush through things? Do you struggle with rushing — or are you blessed with a more laid-back personality?


  1. I love this! You’ve captured what I was feeling today. FMF15

  2. My nature is to be an anxious worrier, who tends to organize with copious detail to help curb my desire to rush. It helps when my trust and faith wavers a bit. Of course, hindsight is 20-20 when confirming that faith and understanding God’s plan.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  3. I find it is true that rushing, hurrying and always moving so often simply complicates things. Great lesson, isn’t it! But glad I didn’t have to learn it by living in a fifth wheel:)

  4. I’m not rushin’, but I do speak the lingo and enjoy a good vodka…get it?

    Seriously, I learned a while back that I have a natural pace, and that trying to slow down actually did more harm than good. Those were the days I could do a full teaching load, then go home and work on my aeroplanes until 0300.

    It’s different now, but there’s still a natural rhythm, and it behooves me to listen to the beat.