Five Minute Friday: LOYAL

Happy Friday, my friends.

Yes, I know it’s been awhile—and I’ve missed you! Thanks for not giving up on me. Really. . . Thank you.


Soon I’ll catch you up on the continuing crazies around here. Or, hopefully, we’ll just be able to put them behind us for good and jump into the next best thing. Until then, my sweet Renaissance Man and I are trying really hard to remember . . .


This morning when I woke up and saw this week’s word prompt for Five Minute Friday, it stirred something in my spirit and made me want to write. So here I am. And here’s the word that captured my attention . . .




It’s an intriguing word:  LOYAL. It seems in our world today we associate loyalty with pooches or political parties. But in holy Scripture, loyalty refers solely to relationships; think Ruth and Naomi, David and Jonathan, Paul and Timothy . . .


God and his beloved createds – us.


Faithful, integrity, steadfast are all words I think of when I think of someone who is loyal.


It refers to a relationship between persons that has no end; no possible chance of “going south.” It’s a long-term commitment to whatever punches get thrown, roadblocks get in the way, or mistakes someone makes.


It’s solid, dependable as the seasons.


LOYAL is what we all desire in or deepest, quietest moments of reflection, isn’t it?

We want someone to be there for us no matter what. To share our joys and frustrations, happy times and the hours of pain or tragedy we never want to experience.


God is our refuge and strength. Our ever-present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1)


God is our LOYAL.




And he calls us to live in relationship – loyalty – both to him and to each other. To love our creator . . . and love our neighbors.


I wonder . . . What would our families, our communities—our world—look like if we lived LOYAL to each other?

Share your thoughts in the comments. Let’s brainstorm together!


  1. Nice to see you back at FMF again! I love that verse from Psalm 46, and God’s loyalty is amazing! It’s so reassuring to know that he is faithful whatever the changes going on around us.

  2. Welcome back, Susan! It’s always good to hear from you, whether you’re visiting me (thank you!) or penning a post. Your FMF stirs thoughts. I immediately thought of loyal readership, and then when you wrote faithful, integrity, steadfast…my first thought was my husband. Without taking him for granted, I KNOW our God is all of what loyal means. I want to be loyal with my family and try every way I possibly can. It is the crux of what will keep an otherwise flailing community; hence, nation, together.
    Happy weekend. I hope to hear more of how things are shaping up in your world.

  3. This is great, Susan, it’s SO COOL to see you again, and you pose a really good question…where would we be if loyalty were paramount?

    It sure would be a different world. But hey, the Bayuex Tapestry began with a single stitch!

    #1 at FMF this wee.