Image is Everything

My heart breaks—and my stomach lurches—over the hatred so graphically portrayed in the news. Yours, too?


Why can’t we all get along?


I’ve read articles and blog posts. I’ve watched news coverage.


I’ve seen the finger-pointing.


But friends, our problems aren’t caused by skin color, religious beliefs, or who’s president.


Why can’t we all get along? The answer is right in front of us—and has been for generations; centuries.


At the bottom of all the divisiveness, arrogance, bigotry, racism, name-calling, and hatred is a reality that has affected every generation of mankind since the very beginning.


We’re not living up to our potential.


Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

Genesis 1:26-27


Mankind—every single one of us—is made in the image of our Creator. At our core, we bear His image.


Our most important role in life is to reflect His image.


We were created to desire relationship—with God, and with all humans; with others created in the image of God. To do anything less devalues our fellow man and fails to recognize each person as a fellow image-bearer.


We were created to see God in each other.


But in that very first generation of mankind, sin entered the picture, and the brilliant, God-reflecting glory humans received at creation was tarnished.


Mankind has been a participant in the Good vs. Evil battle ever since.


What would it look like if . . . we humans start taking seriously our role as image-bearers?


What if . . . we look at each other and see ourselves, imperfect as we are?


What if . . . we let being an image-bearer woo us back to the most basic, wholesome form of humanity?


And in response, what if we love our neighbor as ourselves?


What if we ask God to restore His image in us?


If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14


IF my people . . .


Why don’t we begin today?



  1. Amen. I 100% agree. And, it should be so simple and natural. Let’s love one another.💗

  2. Patricia says

    Well said, Susan

  3. Angelyn Gardner says

    Thank you for your message of clarity.

  4. I so agree with you, Susan. We definitely aren’t living up to our potential to get this right: “Our most important role in life is to reflect His image.” May we all do better at recognizing our own role as image-bearer and see his image in others as well!

  5. Dianne Rinehart says

    This is one of the most beautiful posts I have read in a long time. I would love to see you share it on FB and let it go viral. More people need to see this love. Thank you for sharing. I came to your blog about cleaning vintage linens. I not only got stain removal advice, but also got a wonderful message of respect and love. May God continue to Bless you and Keep you. There is an app for IF 7:14 about prayer and it was heavily shared before the last election. You receive reminders to pray at 7:14 am and pm daily. It is from the Family Leader Summit. WE all need to be on our knees in prayer over our nation and our election. Once again. Thank you for your wisdom. .

    • Dianne, I’m humbled that my post resonated with you. Thank you for your kind words and prayerful attitude. I don’t do FB, but you’re welcome to share the post if you like.

      As for your linens, I hope you were able to get the stains out! Linens are usually an easy restoration project—and often encourages me to keep focused on the big restorations our world needs. Praying with you…