Pink and Powerful: I AM WOMAN

It’s time for another Pink Saturday post, and this one’s POWERFUL. Some of you will love it; some of you won’t. I’m reminded that it takes all kinds …

Last weekend I traveled to Indiana to attend a high school graduation Open House in honor of a young friend. She’s an athlete, a “girly girl” with a model’s good looks — and loves pink.

This is her 9mm handgun.

And her multi- multi-volt taser.  She knows how to use them — properly.  Her Daddy saw to that!

She’s also a cowgirl at heart …

… and appreciates a peaceful setting.

She’s the baby of the four children in her family.

Her dream is to have her own cosmetology business.

Quite an interesting mix of interests, huh?

I hope you’ll stop back by for Metamorphosis Monday to see what she chose for her Open House venue.

* * * * *
I’m joining Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday. Go there if you love pink!


  1. I am very intrigued now! She sounds like a truly interesting person.

    Hope your day is wonderful and best wishes for a great weekend.

  2. Yay for the right to bear Pink arms!!!!
    Being a New Yawker, I can totally appreciate the “equipment” and applause that she knows how to use them.
    I myself am too much of a chicken to carry stuff like that because I don’t think I could ever pull that trigger, plus being a klutz doesn’t really help!!!
    Anyhoo, I had a makeup business in NYC for 17 years called The Makeup Shop so if your friend needs any advice, I would be happy to help!

    (Just google Tobi Britton or The Makeup Shop)

    Sparkly Hugs and a Happy Pink Saturday,
    Tobi and the Pixies!

    PS- come visit- I am having a giveaway!!

  3. What an interesting young lady. At least, she has a head full of dreams. I feel sure she will do well in whatever she wants to.

  4. I am not PINKY intrigued!

    Have a fabulous PS weekend,
    TTFN ~

  5. Very fun visit for Pink Saturday. I have a couple of friends who would also LOVE these. 🙂 I’ll have to tell them.

  6. That’s the first time I’ve ever seen a pink gun. Woah!I hope you had a nice time reconnecting with old friends…we learn so much about them and ourselves.
    I hope that you have a very Happy Pink Saturday!

  7. wow..never seen a pink pistal…I’m a big believer in the 2nd amendment…So I say…you go girl.Have it, Learn to use it,Pack it….

  8. I guarantee that no one else will bring a pink hand gun and a pink taser to Pink Saturday! Put me in the love it column and also in the nosey group who will anxiously wait for Met Monday to see what else is up.

  9. Well if you need protection it might as well be pretty and pink! No problems here with the right to bear pink arms. 🙂 Nancy

  10. gulp, hopefully that is a pink glue gun!

  11. Lovely post..Happy Pink Saturday…

  12. I guess no one will be messing with that girl!
    I love the peaceful goose by the water.
    Happy Pink Saturday, Susan..have a great weekend!
    xo Tami

  13. Happy Pink Saturday Susan Sweetie…
    Love this share. This little gal is one after my own heart. Love the weapons of choice.

    Her Daddy loves her a lot to teach her the most important thing of all, TO KNOW HOW TO PROTECT HERSELF. These are rough times we live in, so many horrible things happen out there. It is important to know weapon safety.

    Love the serene photo of the water and the trees. The perfect place to share an afternoon. Looks like we would have a goose or two for company as well. So pretty.

    Thank you for taking me along today. I so enjoyed myself. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  14. Love the pink guns! These will go perfectly with the pink cowboy boots on my blog. Check it out at

  15. Love it!

  16. I just love that they are Pink!! My Mom knows that I am crazy for pink and when she bought her last gun, she got a pink one…Pinkim fromTrulySimplyPink

  17. Add me to the love it side 🙂 I’ve never seen pink weapons before (aside from the submarine in the movie “Operation Petticoat”, lol) – I’ve got to find one for me! Good parenting to provide her with the proper training, so she can be prepared to defend herself (and hopefully never needs to). Lovely setting for a party – it’s wonderful that it fit her personality! Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed this post.

  18. Well my hubby taught me to use a gun and I have one of my own now (not Pink)–wish it was. We both belong to a gun club and go target practicing.
    Come on by my Pink Sat-I’m having a giveaway this week.